VR Tunnelling Pro
Plug-and-Play VR Comfort
Sigtrap.VrTunnellingPro.TunnellingPresetMobile Class Reference


Preset for TunnellingMobile.
Apply using TunnellingMobile.ApplyPreset.
Create and modify via Unity editor.

Inheritance diagram for Sigtrap.VrTunnellingPro.TunnellingPresetMobile:


bool drawSkybox [get]
bool overrideDrawSkybox [get]
bool drawBeforeTransparent [get]
bool overrideDrawBeforeTransparent [get]
bool useMask [get]
bool overrideUseMask [get]
int stencilReference [get]
bool overrideStencilReference [get]
int stencilMask [get]
bool overrideStencilMask [get]
int stencilBias [get]
bool overrideStencilBias [get]
- Properties inherited from Sigtrap.VrTunnellingPro.TunnellingPresetBase
float effectCoverage [get]
bool overrideEffectCoverage [get]
Color effectColor [get]
bool overrideEffectColor [get]
float effectFeather [get]
bool overrideEffectFeather [get]
bool applyColorToBackground [get]
bool overrideApplyColorToBackground [get]
Cubemap skybox [get]
bool overrideSkybox [get]
MotionSettings angularVelocity [get]
bool overrideAngularVelocity [get]
MotionSettings acceleration [get]
bool overrideAcceleration [get]
MotionSettings velocity [get]
bool overrideVelocity [get]
bool useCounterMotion [get]
bool overrideUseCounterMotion [get]
float counterRotationStrength [get]
bool overrideCounterRotationStrength [get]
Vector3 counterRotationPerAxis [get]
bool overrideCounterRotationPerAxis [get]
bool useArtificialTilt [get]
bool overrideUseArtificialTilt [get]
int framerateDivision [get]
bool overrideFramerateDivision [get]
bool divideTranslation [get]
bool overrideDivideTranslation [get]
bool divideRotation [get]
bool overrideDividerotation [get]
TunnellingBase.ForceVignetteMode forceVignetteMode [get]
bool overrideForceVignetteMode [get]
float forceVignetteValue [get]
bool overrideForceVignetteValue [get]

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