VR Tunnelling Pro UE4
Plug-and-Play VR Comfort
UVRTunnellingPro Class Reference


Tunnelling primitive component, for dektop applications.

#include <VRTP.h>

Inheritance diagram for UVRTunnellingPro:

Public Member Functions

void ApplyPreset (UVRTPPresetData *NewPreset)
 Load and apply a new VRTP preset, from a VRTP preset data asset.
void SetBackgroundMode (EVRTPBackgroundMode NewBackgroundMode)
 Change the background mode.
void SetMaskMode (EVRTPMaskMode NewMaskMode)
 Change the mask mode.
void SetEffectColor (FLinearColor NewColor)
 Change the effect color.
void ApplyColor (bool Enabled)
 Toggle whether the effect color is applied.
void SetStencilMask (int32 NewStencilIndex, bool UpdateMaskedObjects=true)
 Set the stencil mask and optionally update all existing masked objects with the new index.
void UpdateMaskedObjects ()
 Update all existing masked objects, including stencil indices and whether masking is applied.
void SetFeather (float NewFeather)
 Set the feathering amount of the effect vignette.

Public Attributes

int32 PlayerIndex
 Which player index this motion controller should automatically follow.
FName MotionSource
 Motion source to use for tracking, should be HMD.
uint32 bDisableLowLatencyUpdate: 1
 If false, render transforms within the motion controller hierarchy will be updated a second time immediately before rendering.
ETrackingStatus CurrentTrackingStatus
 The tracking status for the device (e.g. full tracking, inertial tracking only, no tracking)
 Data Asset to use as preset.
bool bEnablePreset
 Toggle between preset values and previous user values.
TSubclassOf< class AActor > SkyboxBlueprint
 Skybox blueprint to use.
UTextureCube * CubeMapOverride
 Cubemap texture cube to use as an override for skybox-only modes.
UMaterial * PostProcessMaterial
 Effect material to use for post process effect.
FLinearColor EffectColor
 Effect vignette color.
float EffectCoverage
 Effect vignette coverage.
float EffectFeather
 Effect vignette feather.
EVRTPBackgroundMode BackgroundMode
 Effect background mode.
bool ApplyEffectColor
 Enable effect colour.
bool ForceEffect
 Force vignette effect (useful for debugging)
EVRTPMaskMode MaskMode
 Effect mask mode.
int32 StencilIndex
 Effect mask stencil index.
bool bDirectionSpecific
 Enable directional-specific tunnelling.
float DirectionalVerticalStrength
 Directional-specific tunnelling vertical strength.
float DirectionalHorizontalStrength
 Directional-specific tunnelling horizontal strength.
bool bUseAngularVelocity
 Enable effect for angular velocity.
float AngularStrength
 Angular effect strength.
float AngularMin
 Minimum angular velocity.
float AngularMax
 Maximum angular velocity.
float AngularSmoothing
 Angular smoothing.
bool bUseVelocity
 Enable effect for velocity.
float VelocityStrength
 Velocity effect strength.
float VelocityMin
 Minimum velocity.
float VelocityMax
 Maximum velocity.
float VelocitySmoothing
 Velocity smoothing.
bool bUseAcceleration
 Enable effect for acceleration.
float AccelerationStrength
 Acceleration effect strength.
float AccelerationMin
 Minimum acceleration.
float AccelerationMax
 Maximum acceleration.
float AccelerationSmoothing
 Acceleration smoothing.

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